Sunday, July 1, 2012

Organ Transplantation: A new era in Medical Field

Organ transplantation is the moving of an organ from one body to another or from a donor site on the patient's own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or absent organ. The emerging field of regenerative medicine is allowing scientists and engineers to create organs to be re-grown from the patient's own cells (stem cells, or cells extracted from the failing organs). Organs and/or tissues that are transplanted within the same person's body are called autografts. Transplants that are recently performed between two subjects of the same species are called allografts. Allografts can either be from a living or cadaveric source.
Organs that can be transplanted are the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, intestine, and thymus. Tissues include bones, tendons (both referred to as musculoskeletal grafts), cornea, skin, heart valves, and veins. Worldwide, the kidneys are the most commonly transplanted organs, followed closely by the liver and then the heart. The cornea and musculoskeletal grafts are the most commonly transplanted tissues; these outnumber organ transplants by more than tenfold.
Organ donors may be living, or brain dead. Tissue may be recovered from donors who are cardiac dead – up to 24 hours past the cessation of heartbeat. Unlike organs, most tissues (with the exception of corneas) can be preserved and stored for up to five years, meaning they can be "banked". Transplantation raises a number of bioethical issues, including the definition of death, when and how consent should be given for an organ to be transplanted and payment for organs for transplantation. Other ethical issues include transplantation tourism and more broadly the socio-economic context in which organ harvesting or transplantation may occur. A particular problem is organ trafficking. Some organs, such as the brain, cannot yet be transplanted in humans.
In the United States of America, tissue transplants are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which sets strict regulations on the safety of the transplants, primarily aimed at the prevention of the spread of communicable disease. Regulations include criteria for donor screening and testing as well as strict regulations on the processing and distribution of tissue grafts. Organ transplants are not regulated by the FDA.
Transplantation medicine is one of the most challenging and complex areas of modern medicine. Some of the key areas for medical management are the problems of transplant rejection, during which the body has an immune response to the transplanted organ, possibly leading to transplant failure and the need to immediately remove the organ from the recipient. When possible, transplant rejection can be reduced through serotyping to determine the most appropriate donor-recipient match and through the use ofimmunosuppressant drugs.

Timeline of successful transplants

  • 1905: First successful cornea transplant by Eduard Zirm [Czech Republic]
  • 1954: First successful kidney transplant by J. Hartwell Harrison and Joseph Murray (Boston, U.S.A.)
  • 1966: First successful pancreas transplant by Richard Lillehei and William Kelly (Minnesota, U.S.A.)
  • 1967: First successful liver transplant by Thomas Starzl (Denver, U.S.A.)
  • 1967: First successful heart transplant by Christian Barnard (Cape Town, South Africa)
  • 1981: First successful heart/lung transplant by Bruce Reitz (Stanford, U.S.A.)
  • 1983: First successful lung lobe transplant by Joel Cooper (Toronto, Canada)
  • 1984: First successful double organ transplant by Thomas Starzl and Henry T. Bahnson (Pittsburgh, U.S.A.)
  • 1986: First successful double-lung transplant (Ann Harrison) by Joel Cooper (Toronto, Canada)
  • 1995: First successful laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy by Lloyd Ratner and Louis Kavoussi (Baltimore, U.S.A.)
  • 1997: First successful allogeneic vascularized transplantation of a fresh and perfused human knee joint by Gunther O. Hofmann
  • 1998: First successful live-donor partial pancreas transplant by David Sutherland (Minnesota, U.S.A.)
  • 1998: First successful hand transplant (France)
  • 1999: First successful Tissue Engineered Bladder transplanted by Anthony Atala (Boston Children's Hospital, U.S.A.)
  • 2005: First successful partial face transplant (France)
  • 2006: First jaw transplant to combine donor jaw with bone marrow from the patient, by Eric M. Genden Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
  • 2008: First successful complete full double arm transplant by Edgar Biemer, Christoph Höhnke and Manfred Stangl (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
  • 2008: First baby born from transplanted ovary by James Randerson
  • 2008: First transplant of a Vertebrate trachea|human windpipe using a patient’s own stem cells, by Paolo Macchiarini (Barcelona, Spain)
  • 2008: First successful transplantation of near total area (80%) of face, (including palate, nose, cheeks, and eyelid by Maria Siemionow (Cleveland, USA)
  • 2010: First full facial transplant, by Dr Joan Pere Barret and team (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron on July 26, 2010 in Barcelona, Spain.)
  • 2011: First double leg transplant, by Dr Cavadas and team (Valencia's Hospital La Fe, Spain)

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