Wednesday, June 27, 2012


love confuses you :?
Sometime I go on wondering...
Sometime I go on wondering:
If  I had lived in the shadows of your curls,
My life would have been full of delights.
This darkness, the fate of my life,
Could have been lost in your eyes-lights.

It was not possible for me being a stranger
To lose myself in your elegance---
Your soft body, your hawk-like half-opened eyes—
And to live in a beautiful setting.

world is full of Morons If  bitterness of the world had called on me,
I would have taken from your lips a sip of sweetness.
If  life had screamed to pull my head away from you,
I  would have quietly lived in dark shadows of your hair.

But it could not happen.
It could not happen and now such are the things:
You are not with me, your sorrows and desires are not with me.
My life is now passing in ways
I desire no assurance from anyone.

I have been through all worries in the world,
I am walking now on roads unknown.
Dreadful shadows now surround me,
Wishing thorns—pains—to me.

Free, without a goal or a guiding light,
My life is now wandering through emptiness.
I will be lost in this emptiness one day,
I know this, my friend, but still

Sometime I go on wondering. 


Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Mother: my God

My Mother: my God !!

Everyone has a past
Some have had good while some bad
But long it never lasts
One good, I'm sure everyone has had

As we know, life is uncertain,
Where only God can pull the curtain
Thinking of which
My mind begins to twitch

Things we expect much
But forget, it's all about luck
To have someone -  whom you can rely on
In this world of deceit, it can only be your MOM

She strives hard, to help you grow
But you always keep craving for more
When one day you know there'll be no one to adore
Cause she has less time in store

We think of how to make the call
When we sit back and think of all
Times we begin to fall
Is understood, when we sit in closed walls

I wish I could make all her dreams come true
Give her all the happiness, she deserves to
Relieving her of all the pain she goes through
But, God plays a game tying my hands too.

My Mother: my God. I love you Mommy.

Monday, June 11, 2012

म कवितामा जीवन लेख्छु

म हाँसो लेख्छु,म आँशु लेख्छु

म खुशी लेख्छु,अनी पिडा लेख्छु

म जन्म लेख्छु र मृत्‍यु लेख्छु

किनकी म कवितामा जीवन लेख्छु

बिश्वास लेख्छु,घात लेख्छु

मिलन अनी बिछोड्का श्रिन्खला लेख्छु

प्रेम लेख्छु,घ्रिणा लेख्छु

किनकी म कवितामा जीवन लेख्छु

योबन कोर्छु,योबनका उन्माद उतार्छु

योउन् कल्पिन्छु र सन्तुस्टी रच्छु

अंग नाप्छु र इकाइ लेख्छु

किनकी यि नै जीवन हुन् र

म कवितामा यही लेख्छु

समाज सोच्छु र नियत प्रस्ट्याउछु

गरिबि खनेर,समानता झल्काउछु

पोलेका मकै र डडेका बिबसता लेख्छु

च्यातिका बोरा र टन्टालपुर घाम देख्छु

म जस्तो देख्यो त्यस्तै लेख्छु

किनकी म कवितामा जीवन लेख्छु।

Sunday, June 10, 2012

बाँच नेपाली भै !

रातो र चन्द्र सुर्य  

बाँच्नु नै छ यदि भने, बाँच नेपाली भै
बोल्नु नै छ यदि भने, बोल नेपाल नै
आमाको नै गर यदि गर्ने भए याद
भएकोमा नेपाली नै बाँच गर्वसाथ।
दुई हाथ जोड्ने भए, जोड नेपाललाई
आमालाई रोज, पाउने भये ईश्वरलाई
सुन हीरा यही खोज नगरेर बेर
आफुलाई पाउने भये नेपाल लाई हेर।
मुटुभरी छातीभरी नेपाली भै बाँच
हर सास्-सास मेची—काली लीई बाँच
माटो पारी पवित्र यो धरतिको बाँच
नेपाल यो तातो रगत लीई बाँच।
नेपाली हो भने तिमी बोक नेपाललाई
मुटुको त्यो धद्कन्मा, साँच नेपाललाई
नेपालकै माया गर, माया लाग्छ भने
नेपालीकै निम्ती मर मर्नुपर्छ भने।

by- श्री ५ महाराजधिराज ज्ञानेन्द्र बिरबिक्रम शाह देव