Thursday, September 11, 2014

To get rid of Laziness : Students

1- Create a list of things to do Every night, before going to sleep, make a list of things you need to do the next day . This will allow you to have clear ideas of the tasks to be done and how long it could take. Pin everything, even things as simple as going to the bank or making the bed. Learn the concept that there are no important tasks and less important tasks, but only "things to do".

2- Plan your space and your time If you are organized and know how to divide your time, it will be even easier to do your homework. Organize your space also. A messy and dirty place, psychologically leads to doing nothing. And as if you never want to start something, because the effort seems useless. On the contrary, a clean and orderly puts the desire to be committed. Therefore propose yourself the goal of keeping the work place clean and tidy. You'll see that in this way your work will be easier and you'll do it with more enthusiasm and pleasure.

3- Difficult things first When you look at your list of things to do, identify whatever you like the least, and have it first. The problem is lazy people tend to put off things they do not want to do, creating an emotional state of tension.The best way to avoid procrastination that comes from laziness, is to perform the task immediately, preferably in the morning when you wake up.Proceed through the list until the last things are the ones you weigh less. Then you can reward yourself with free time .

4- Determine the time You must determine how soon you need to complete your list of things to do. The awareness of time cuts the routine of laziness that surrounds you. The lazy person tends to do the same things with minimum effort taking a lot of time. You have to do it all within a given time.

5- Dress well You got it right ... good clothes. Especially those who work at home should take this advice to heart. Those who remain in your pajamas, robe or so sloppy tend to assume the same listless attitude which has its own clothing. Those who are well dressed tends to be more productive and efficient, as well as less lazy. You must feel always presentable, as if someone might see and control what you do. If you want to succeed you have to dress like a man who is successful

6- Take notes Sometimes ideas on what to do and how to do things come to mind while we cannot accomplish the task. Having a handy notebook will allow us to take the note to insert it into the list of things to do the next day or simply to do later. A Smartphone can be used instead of a notebook. Now there are lots of applications to note these things.

7- Assign the unpleasant tasks to another This is a step that not everyone can follow. Not everyone can afford an assistant or not everyone has a family member willing to be of help. But for those who have this possibility, it will be a lot easier. For example, if you hate going to the bank or the post office, you hate to make phone calls, if you do not like to deal, and so on.Similar tasks you can leave it to someone else, so as to be more relaxed in doing things that will seem less unpleasant.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Some Tips for better Studies

 Use All Your Senses - Abstract ideas are difficult to memorize because they are far removed from our senses. Shift them closer by coming up with vivid pictures, feelings and images that relate information together. When I learned how to do a determinant of a matrix, I remembered the pattern by visualizing my hands moving through the numbers, one adding and one subtracting.
 Teach It - Find someone who doesn’t understand the topic and teach it to them. This exercise forces you to organize. Spending five minutes explaining a concept can save you an hour of combined studying for the same effect.
 Leave No Islands – When you read through a textbook, every piece of information should connect with something else you have learned. Fast learners do this automatically, but if you leave islands of information, you won’t be able to reach them during a test.
 Test Your Mobility - A good way to know you haven’t linked enough is that you can’t move between concepts. Open up a word document and start explaining the subject you are working with. If you can’t jump between sections, referencing one idea to help explain another, you won’t be able to think through the connections during a test.
 Find Patterns – Look for patterns in information. Information becomes easier to organize if you can identify broader patterns that are similar across different topics. The way a neuron fires has similarities to “if” statements in programming languages.
 Build a Large Foundation - Reading lots and having a general understanding of many topics gives you a lot more flexibility in finding patterns and metaphors in new topics. The more you already know, the easier it is to learn.
 Don’t Force - I don’t spend much time studying before exams. Forcing information during the last few days is incredibly inefficient. Instead try to slowly interlink ideas as they come to you so studying becomes a quick recap rather than a first attempt at learning.
 Build Models – Models are simple concepts that aren’t true by themselves, but are useful for describing abstract ideas. Crystallizing one particular mental image or experience can create a model you can reference when trying to understand. When I was trying to tackle the concept of subspaces, I visualized a blue background with a red plane going through it. This isn’t an entirely accurate representation of what a subspace is, but it created a workable image for future ideas.

Learning is in Your Head – Having beautiful notes and a perfectly highlighted textbook doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the information in it. Your only goal is to understand the Information so it will stick with you for assignments, tests and life. Don’t be afraid to get messy when scrawling out ideas on paper and connecting them in your head. Use notes and books as a medium for learning rather than an end result.